Get answers to your frequently asked questions about DFW Real Producers magazine and their exclusive events.
The top 500 real estate agents in each of the four markets in DFW based on their MLS production for the previous year. Refer to our map for the exact territories. If your broker address is within that given territory and you are in the top 500, you will receive the publication for the year. There are approximately 60,000 licensed real estate agents in DFW. The list will reset at the end of every year and continue to update annually.
We believe that we are better together. When we surround ourselves with other successful, like-minded people, we grow to new heights. Real Producers is a platform that brings together the most elite individuals in DFW real estate. We take the top 500 real estate agents and RP-vetted businesses in every market, and we build an exclusive community around that group. We share their stories, successes, market trends, upcoming events – really anything that will connect, inform and inspire, we put in our monthly publication.
At Real Producers, we believe we are one person, one conversation, or one idea away from everything in our business and life changing. With this powerhouse community, it happens all the time.
It’s really simple. You have to be on the top 500 list, and we take nominations seriously. You can nominate other real estate agents, businesses, brokers, owners or even yourself! Office leaders can also nominate real estate agents. We will consider anyone brought to our attention who is in the top 500 because we don’t know everyone’s story, so we need your help to learn about them. We cannot guarantee a feature, but we encourage you to meet with one of our team members, support Real Producers and attend our private events to increase your chances.
You can email your nominations to
Zero, zilch, zippo, nada, nil. All of the costs are covered by our Real Producers Vetted Businesses who invest in you and your success!
A feature like this would normally cost in the range of $10,000. But, thanks to our Business Partners, if you are featured you pay $0. In return, we simply ask for your support and to make intentional efforts to attend our events each year.
They are one of the best businesses in DFW in their category, and you can find them listed in our index! We don’t just find these businesses off the street, nor do we work with all businesses that approach us. One of many of the top real estate agents has recommended every single business you see in this publication. We won’t even meet with a business that has not been vetted by one of you and “stamped for approval”, in a sense. Our team will further vet every business to make sure they are a good fit and bring value to our community. Our goal is to create a powerhouse network, not only for the best real estate agents in the area but the best businesses, as well, so we can grow stronger together.
If you know and want to recommend a business that works with top real estate agents, please email us to let us know at
Be sure to update your contact information to ensure you receive the monthly magazine as well as communication regarding upcoming events.